Fundamental Tax reform

Fundamental Tax reform

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Term Paper/Background Memo (9-11 pages): Your goal is to a write an informative background memo on a policy topic or a theoretical topic. You are free to choose your topic as long as it falls broadly into the field of public economics as construed in this class. Some potential topics are given below. Your paper will be graded for the clarity exposition, argumentation and the use of sources. The goal of this paper is not necessarily to argue a point, but to provide a balanced presentation of a debate.

You are welcome to use as sources academic journals, working papers, newspapers/magazines, policy papers by think-thanks/governmental agencies/international agencies and other sources (such as books). Most sources are available online. Do not rely solely on newspaper/magazine commentary as sources; the goal is to write about the economics of the question, so it is important to relate to some of the economic analysis underlying the question. When citing information from a source, please try to keep in mind the underlying policy stand taken by the author/the publishing entity and try to present a balanced view on the topic. This does not mean that you are not allowed to take a particular point-of-view on the topic, but your paper should not present only one side of the argument.

this is my topic : Fundamental Tax reform
also, the paper should include the following points
a. Costs vs. Benefits
b. Distributional aspects of fundamental tax reform
c. Alternative models of fundamental tax reform
d. US Constitution and Tax reform Options (especially in relation to Value Added

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