fundamental difference between the DIRECT (deductive) and INDIRECT (inductive) style of communication

fundamental difference between the DIRECT (deductive) and INDIRECT (inductive) style of communication

Chapter 6 Questions
1.Explain the fundamental difference between the DIRECT (deductive) and INDIRECT (inductive) style of communication. Note the location of the major idea, explanation of details and facts, how you close the message, etc.
2-Which style is used most often in NEUTRAL and GOOD NEWS messages?
3.Define WHEN it is appropriate to Instant Message at work.
4. Illustrate HOW to Instant Message at work.
5.What should you always do when responding to a neutral message?
6.What is the purpose of a Goodwill message?
7.What is the value, to you, personally and professionally of sending Goodwill messages?
8.What are the Guidelines for Goodwill Messages?
Chapter 8 Questions.
1. Know the four parts of delivering a bad news message. Write them out and give a 1-2 sentence explanation of each. Refer to the chart on Page 259 of your book – Checklist for Bad-News Messages. It offers a nice layout for all considerations.

2. When is it appropriate to use the DIRECT approach in giving bad news?

3. Keep in mind that one of the key issues that distinguishes bad news from persuasion and good news is that bad news done wrong the first time has potentially long-term effects. List what some of those negative outcomes might be? This was discussed in class.

Chapter 11 Questions
1. Know the four stated purposes of speeches or presentations. They are:

2. From lecture, your book (p. 370 Audience Analysis) and the chapter powerpoint, write a one to two paragraph summary of what audience analysis is the major consideration in audience analysis that will contribute to your giving a more effective speech or presentation.

3. Know the difference between the various delivery methods.

4. What is the purpose of the opening/introduction of a speech and what are its component parts?

5. The book states six ways to do a creative opening to your speech. What are they?

6. Why is it important to give a preview of your main points in the opening?

7. The body of the speech is where you “tell me what you’re going to tell me”. How do you enhance your credibility as a speaker in this section of a speech? Think back to Chapter 7.

8. What is the purpose of the closing?

9. What are several ways to reduce speech anxiety?

10. Regarding powerpoint presentations, what are some basic principles to apply that insure your powerpoint will compliment your speech and not dominate it?
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