Functions Of Theories

In the first part (400-450 words), you are asked to submit brief answers (no more than one screen each)
Question 1: What functions do “theories” perform in research? (Babbie and Roberts)
Question 2: Define the terms “induction” and “deduction.” According to Babbie and Roberts, how do “inductive reasoning” and “deductive reasoning” relate to doing science? (Review Babbie and Roberts)
Question 3: How does “inspection” relate to “exploration” in a symbolic interactionist conception of social scientific research? (Blumer)

the second part is replying to a response (word file attached) to the questions above (150 words), you are asked to comment on the content of the answer. What do you think of the response? Are there any additional considerations they might have taken into account? Would you do things differently or can you suggest another line of approach to the questions?
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