Forensic science
Forensic science
With regards to particulate evidence, describe and discuss in detail PRIMARY, SECONDARY & ZONAL transfer.
211BMS Summer 2012 Examination No. 211BMS
211BMS Summer 2012 Examination No. 211BMS
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
211BMS Principles of Forensic Science
Summer 2012
Time allowed: Two Hours
Answer TWO questions, each question must be from a different section.
You may NOT answer both questions from the same section.
You should spend approximately 45 minutes per question.
Additional time is allowed for reading questions and planning and proof reading answers.
For this examination you will be supplied with:
Two eight page Answer Booklets
You may take this question paper away at the end of the examination
Please keep in a safe place for future reference
211BMS Summer 2012 Examination No. 211BMS
211BMS Summer 2012 Examination No. 211BMS
Answer ONE question from this section.
Question 1
a) With regards to particulate evidence, describe and discuss in detail PRIMARY, SECONDARY & ZONAL transfer.
b) Describe and in detail the characteristics that affect the persistence of particulate evidence on clothing.
c) Describe and discuss in detail the fibre characteristics examined to help ascertain origin. You answer should include examples of each characteristic.
d) Describe and discuss in detail the theoretical and operational principles of GRIM (Glass Refractive Index Measurement)
Question 2
UK toxicology laboratories have a screening process for the analysis of drugs of abuse.
a) What information would be required from the addict prior to analysis?
b) Describe and discuss in detail the Drugs of Abuse Screening (DAS) procedure used for the analysis of drugs in urine; including the theory of one screening and one confirmatory technique, you may use diagrams to aid discussion.
c) For the screening and confirmatory technique you described in b) describe the advantages and disadvantages of these systems with regards to Drugs of Abuse Screening.
SECTION A Continues on next page
211BMS Summer 2012 Examination No. 211BMS
211BMS Summer 2012 Examination No. 211BMS
SECTION A continued
Question 3
a) Describe and discuss in detail at least one search method used to determine the point of origin of a fire, and explain in detail indicators of foul play (arson) at a fire scene.
b) Describe and discuss in detail the different storage systems available for fire debris, outlining the advantages & disadvantages of each.
c) Describe and discuss in detail a typical fire debris collection protocol, outlining the purpose of each aspect of the protocol.
d) Describe and discuss in detail an instrumentation based technique that could be used to determine the presence of an accelerant in fire debris.
Section B over page
211BMS Summer 2012 Examination No. 211BMS
211BMS Summer 2012 Examination No. 211BMS
Answer ONE question from this section.
Question 4
a) Discuss the operating principles and applications of each of the following list of footwear print recovery techniques. Your answers should discuss the advantages of each technique and consider any disadvantages and should be highlighted with examples of applications.
i. Gel/Tape Lifters
ii. Electro-Static Lifting Apparatus (ESLA)
iii. Calcium Sulphate (Plaster of Paris)
b) A burglary has occurred at a domestic property in Coventry and powder footwear marks have been found on two different surfaces. Identify the appropriate footwear recovery technique for each surface given below and explain why this technique is best suited to the substrate in question:
i. A fabric sofa cushion
ii. A laminate floorboard
Section B continues on next page
211BMS Summer 2012 Examination No. 211BMS
211BMS Summer 2012 Examination No. 211BMS
Section B continued
Question 5
a) There are two key requirements that must be met when attempting to draw together a case for the prosecution. For each of the terms below, explain what each term means and explain the contribution forensic science can make towards addressing these requirements.
i. “actus reus” and
ii. “mens rea”
b) With respect to the duties and responsibilities of an Expert Witness, critically discuss:
i. Impartiality
ii. Expertise
iii. Advisor to the court
Question 6
Skin fragments have been recovered from under the fingernails of a woman who was attacked and murdered. DNA has been isolated from these skin fragments.
a) Describe how a DNA profile could be obtained from this biological sample using modern multiplex PCR techniques.
b) A suspect has been identified and shows an identical profile to that obtained above. Discuss how these matching profiles can be analysed to provide evidence that the suspect is likely to be the source of these skin fragments.