Food Science

Food Science

YOU MUST HAVE ACCESS TO THIS TEXTBOOK: Food Science, 5th edition by Potter and Hotchkiss; Chapman and Hall Publishers, New York. ISBN 0412064510

10 point questions:  Answer 7 (seven) of the following questions:

1.  Why do we need to continually develop new food products? How do the numbers today compare to the 1980’s? What impact on food prices would you expect from these

2.  What are 5 important things that fats and oils do in foods? What are the main uses of sugars in foods?

3.  What are the types of things that we need to remove from a product to “clean” it. What are some common problems we see in handling fruits and vegetables?

4.  What are the main reasons we might heat a food? Describe three types of heat exchanging equipment listed in the book. One for canned goods, one for liquids like

milk, and one for batch processing of something like chili.
5.  What is the main reason we use “evaporators” in food processing? Why is vacuum used in many kinds of evaporators?
6.  What is a good definition for the term “quality”?  List four things that are important in the “quality” of a food product.
7.   List and give examples of five of the major routes of food deterioration listed in the chapter—there were 9 in your readings in Unit 4.

8.  What are the common ways to control the growth of microorganisms in foods? These are the ways that we “process” food also— give four examples of processes and how

they impact on the growth of microorganisms

9.  What are the various levels of heat treatment a product may receive? Describe each and their purpose.  Define the following “values”: F, Z, and D. What do they


10.  Describe the concept of “time/temperature.” Describe the major types of retorts. What is hydrostatic retort (or cooker).

11. What is aseptic processing—give an example?  What is “hot filling” or “hot packed” foods—give two examples?

12. Outline or illustrate an HTST pasteurizer.  Describe the function of each component.

Five point questions:  Answer 6  (six) of these.

1.  What % of our disposable income in the US is spent of food? Why is it so low?

2    What are proteins made of? What are two important proteins in foods?

3.  What does “denatured” mean in terms of proteins?

4. What are two problems associated with the use of natural pigments in foods?

5.  What is the common structure found in fats and oils? How do we use antioxidants?

6.  What is “ultrafiltration?”  Name a product that might be ultrafiltered.

7.  What is easier to dry, chunky foods or liquid foods? Why?

8.  What would be a use of a pump in food processing? What kinds of products might be pumped?

9.  What is “blast freezing.”

10.  What are three common types of packaging used in food processing?

11.  What are the characteristics of three pathogens discussed in the chapter—what foods are most “risky” in terms of pathogen growth?

12.  Why do we use taste panels to evaluate foods instead of machines?

13. What are three common devices used to measure the “texture” of food products. List the device and the food it is used for.

14. Describe conduction and convection heating—give two examples of each.

15. What are two protective food constituents in regards to the death of microorganisms?


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