Food for thought
Food for thought
Order Description
Unfortunately, this essay fails to meet the requirements for this assignment. The point you’re trying to use as your argument is far too general, and as a result, your body paragraphs deliver facts with little analysis and no clear explanation of how they connect or how they’re relevant to the main idea of the essay. This is going to require substantial revision for the portfolio to incorporate a stronger argumentative and analytical framework. You should start by narrowing your focus to help you argue something more specific, then you should move on to trying to give more specific and more well-developed support and make sure you follow it up with analysis.
ENGL 015
05: Rhetoric
Fall 201
, Dr. Maggie Gerrity
Deadline Draft #3: Food For Thought
For your final deadline draft, you
ll build upon the skills you developed during the first two units and
will gain some practice finding, evaluating, and using the
(literally) millions of sources available to
you through the Penn State library system.
Throughout this unit, we
ll be watching, reading about, and discussing various issues related to
it comes from, how it
s changing, who decides what we
should eat and how much we
should pay for it. With this in mind, you should choose a topic for this essay that you
re interested in
learning more about or that you already have a strong opinion about. Some possible topics include
(but aren
t limited to)
: organic vs. nonorganic f
oods, natural vs. processed foods, food safety and the
increase of foodborne illnesses, genetically modified foods (GMOs), the availability (or lack thereof)
of healthy foods for people from all socioeconomic backgrounds, school lunches, hunger in
and illnesses or medical conditions relating to what and how much we eat.
Your essay should:
be at least 4
5 pages (typed, double
make and support an argument
use 4
6 sources, at least 2 of which should be library sources (books, ebooks, article
s from
the databases, or other library holdings)
use APA style to document your use of sources, including what you paraphrase and what
you quote (your reference page
does not
count toward your 4 pages!)
not use more than 2 block quotes (a quote that
s lon
ger than 40 words)
be written for a general academic audience who is interested in your topic but might not
know a lot about it: use a semi
formal tone and provide background information where
necessary, but aim to analyze rather than summarize.
be evaluating your essays based on the strength of your argument and how well you support it,
how well you incorporate source material, paragraph development and organization (S.E.A.T.),
correct use of APA styl
e, avoiding gr
ammar and editing, and overall quality.
Important Dates (**note the revisions in the course schedule**)
Thursday, 10/30:
Library worksheet due via email or by hard copy (worksheet is posted in
Unit 3 folder)
Thursday, 11/6:
first 2 pages due for group wor
, APA inst
ruction day
Tuesday, 11/11:
full draft due to rough draft dropbox and for workshop
Tuesday, 11/18:
final draft due at the start of class (should also be posted to
and the final draft dropbox; Grammarly is optional but encouraged this time)
Elements of argument 16/30
• Argument 8/15
o Excellent Adequate Weak Not included
• Supporting evidence 9/15
o Strong evidence Adequate evidence Not enough evidence No evidence
Use of Source Material: 24/30
• Use of Signal Phrases 4/5
o Strong Adequate Weak Not included
• Balance of Sources vs. Own Ideas 6/10
o Sources always support your ideas Sources mostly support your ideas Sources provide ideas
• Quality of Sources 5/5
• Use APA 9/10
o In-text citations: All correct Mostly correct Mostly incorrect Entirely incorrect/not included
o References page: All correct Mostly correct Mostly incorrect Entirely incorrect/not included
Organization: 19/30
• Use of S.E.A.T. 10/15
o The writer organizes all body paragraphs using S.E.A.T.
o The writer organizes most body paragraphs using S.E.A.T.
o The writer organizes a few body paragraphs using S.E.A.T.
o The writer does not use S.E.A.T. to help with organization
• Overall organization 9 /15
o Excellent Adequate Weak
Grammar, Punctuation, and Mechanics: 10/10
Few or no errors Some errors Many errors Unreadable because of errors
No draft submitted (-5) Did not participate in workshop (-5) Forgot to post to dropbox (-2)
Forgot to submit to (-2) Missing folder (-5) Forgot to staple or paperclip (-2) Formatting errors (up to -10) Short (- ) Too many sources (- ) Not enough sources (- ) Not enough academic sources (- )
Not citing sources (whether paraphrased or quoted) is grounds for failure for the assignment!
Overall Comments:
Unfortunately, this essay fails to meet the requirements for this assignment. The point you’re trying to use as your argument is far too general, and as a result, your body paragraphs deliver facts with little analysis and no clear explanation of how they connect or how they’re relevant to the main idea of the essay. This is going to require substantial revision for the portfolio to incorporate a stronger argumentative and analytical framework. You should start by narrowing your focus to help you argue something more specific, then you should move on to trying to give more specific and more well-developed support and make sure you follow it up with analysis.