Flexibility, Core, Balance, and Plyometric Program Design.

Design and submit a training program for your final project chosen team/athlete to take place in one Strength and Conditioning practice session.

Design a one day Flexibility, Core, Balance, and Plyometric Program for your final assignment team/athlete. This program will be used during the team/athlete’s pre-season training time frame. For example: if you chose an NCAA Division I women’s volleyball team (Fall semester competition season), this would take place in the spring semester, once the athletes return from Christmas Break during their NCAA regulated 8 total hours per week of allowed strength and conditioning and minimal volleyball skill practice hours.
Design the program within Excel.
Include total time expected to complete the program, all exercises to be completed, and organize the exercises within the appropriate category: Flexibility, Core, Balance, or Plyometric.
In a Text Box within the Excel document: Identify and describe your team/athlete, goals, level of play, Training Program’s Focus/Objectives, Training Program’s Season Timeline, and any other relevant information to assist your instructor with their evaluation.

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NCAA Division I Women’s Volleyball Team: Pre-Season Flexibility, Core, Balance & Plyometrics Program

Team/Athlete: NCAA Division I Women’s Volleyball Team


  • Improve overall athleticism: Enhance flexibility, core strength, balance, and explosiveness.

  • Reduce risk of injury: Strengthen key muscle groups and improve neuromuscular control to minimize injury risk during the season.

  • Boost performance: Improve agility, speed, and power to enhance on-court performance.

Level of Play: NCAA Division I

Training Program Focus/Objectives:

  • Flexibility: Increase joint range of motion, reduce muscle tightness, and improve overall mobility.

  • Core: Strengthen core muscles for stability, power, and injury prevention.

  • Balance: Enhance balance and coordination, improving agility and reducing the risk of ankle sprains.

  • Plyometrics: Develop explosive power and reactive strength for improved jumping, quickness, and agility.



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Training Program Season Timeline: Spring semester, following Christmas break, during NCAA regulated 8 total hours per week of allowed strength and conditioning.

Relevant Information:

  • The team has completed a base strength and conditioning phase during the off-season.

  • This program is designed to enhance their athleticism and prepare them specifically for the demands of volleyball.

  • The program will be overseen by a certified strength and conditioning coach.

[Excel Spreadsheet with Training Program]

[Text Box]

Total Time: 60 minutes (approximately)


  • Light cardio (5 minutes)

  • Dynamic stretching (5 minutes)


  • Exercise: Cat-Cow (1 minute)

  • Exercise: Hamstring Stretch (1 minute each leg)

  • Exercise: Hip Flexor Stretch (1 minute each leg)

  • Exercise: Quadriceps Stretch (1 minute each leg)

  • Exercise: Thoracic Rotation (1 minute each side)


  • Exercise: Plank (30 seconds, 3 sets)

  • Exercise: Side Plank (30 seconds each side, 3 sets)

  • Exercise: Bird Dog (10 reps each side, 3 sets)

  • Exercise: Russian Twists (15 reps each side, 3 sets)


  • Exercise: Single-Leg Squat (10 reps each leg, 3 sets)

  • Exercise: Single-Leg Deadlift (10 reps each leg, 3 sets)

  • Exercise: Balance Board Exercises (2 minutes)


  • Exercise: Box Jumps (10 reps, 3 sets)

  • Exercise: Lateral Box Jumps (8 reps each side, 3 sets)

  • Exercise: Depth Jumps (10 reps, 3 sets)

  • Exercise: Tuck Jumps (15 reps, 3 sets)

Cool-down: Static Stretching (5 minutes)


  • Adapt the program to the individual needs and abilities of the athletes.

  • Proper form is crucial for all exercises, ensure athletes maintain proper technique throughout the program.

  • Progress the intensity and volume of exercises gradually over the course of the pre-season.

  • Monitor athletes for signs of fatigue or injury.

  • This program serves as a foundation for pre-season training, and athletes may require additional exercises based on their individual needs.


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