Fire management in Australia
Fire management in Australia
Order Description
Topic: Fire management in Australia
Examine the use of fire as a management tool and reviewed many of the general issues and objectives surrounding the management of fire.
Research the use of fire as a management tool for a particular Australian ecosystem.
In undertaking this review you should:
? Clearly identify the ecosystem chosen for this review
? Consider the management objectives for the chosen ecosystem (Flower harvesting, Water resources, Primary production, Urban, Forestry, National Parks).
Flower harvesting: maximize the production of inflorescences on woody perennials
Water resources: maximise runoff without erosion
Primary production: Stimulation of green pick for stock
Removal of pathogens and parasites of livestock
Urban: Low fuel loads around infrastructure and properties
Forestry: Hazard-reduction burning to reduce crown fires
Removal of species competing with desired timber species
Control of pathogens and weeds
Regeneration stimulation of desired tree species through high-intensity burns
National Parks: Protection of infrastructure and neighbouring properties
Maintenance of particular species and/or communities that require specific fire regimes
Control of pathogens and weeds
? Using the questions in below, review past and present management regimes for this ecosystem
Use of fire as a management tool is still considered to be somewhat experimental due to the lack of sufficient information available to predict the ecological effects on wildlife. When using fire as a management tool, there are several questions that need to asked with regard to fire intensity and frequency:
What is the aim using fire as a management tool?
What is the natural response of the target ecosystem(s)?
What are the fire and land use histories of the site?
How will species of concern respond to different fire regimes?
How will community dynamics differ under different fire regimes?
What ecosystem components are missing or severely altered?
Is seasonality of fire an important factor for each previous issue?
Can a reasonable facsimile of natural fire regimes be created with regard to the need to protect life and property?
? Identify areas where future research should be targeted
? 2500 words
? Style: Essay/ Report style essay
? Reference 20