Financial investment

Select 10 companies according to the requirements (preferably from 5 industries, 2 companies in each industry). I made an investment portfolio example, you can choose the company in the example or other companies to analyze.

In the appendix, relevant tables and graphs need to be added for explanation. Data sources can be found on Yahoo Finance, London Stock Exchange, etc. (company information, market-related news, and events, stock prices). You can refer to the sample report writing method (technical analysis and basic analysis of each company’s stock to explain the criteria and reasons for stock selection is necessary). There are also many problems with the sample report, you only need to refer to the useful places.

I want to add some suggestions and hope to consider
1. Fully consider all aspects of diversification, namely risk factors (beta), company size (large/small), industry.

2.Correct and clear use of key financial ratios as potential stock selection criteria

3.Determine the appropriate investment strategy, ie value investment, momentum effect, etc.

4.Avoid not choosing an investment method, relying only on basic analysis or, in some cases, on arbitrary criteria to select a company,

5.Avoid choosing contradictory investment styles, such as growth and value, or not clearly explaining the chosen style.

Last and most important, please follow the assignment requirements and answer all questions. Please follow the recommended format in the requirements to complete.

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