Final Examination





MAJ 6633/ MHS 7033 DIS – Final ExaminationEach question is worth 10 points each, for a total of 50 points.  Full credit will be awarded to responses that address each aspect of the research question provided,
correctly identify the key terms and demonstrates ability to make connections between course objectives and the scenarios described.  This is your chance to show what you know- so please take some time to thoughtfully explain your rationale for each answer.  Many times “right/wrong” won’t be black
and white, and will instead be illustrated in your explanations.  Please submit your answers via Blackboard by Sunday at 11:59pm.  Good luck!
1. You have been assigned to go undercover in an attempt to investigate allegations of insider trading and other white-collar, financial crimes by a local bank,
GNB.  With many possibilities to consider, discuss with your team:
• How you plan to remain objective while going undercover and why you must do so. (2 points)• Whether you prefer that the team utilize field notes or visual criminology and why.  (2 points) • One tip for participating in this observational study and why this will help (2points).  • One advantage and one disadvantage of conducting participant observation (4 points).
2. After a preliminary study your team feels that the insiders conducting illegal trading at GNB are too dangerous to infiltrate, so you decide to conduct
unobtrusive observations of their activity instead.  Explain to your team:
• The type of unobtrusive measurement you will be using and explain why it is your preferred method (see page 210).  (3 points).• Name one source of existing data you will consider in gaining information on GNB and its employees (3 points).  • One major advantage and one major disadvantage of using an unobtrusive measurement technique to approach this crime problem (4 points).
3. Great news- your methods were successful in bringing to justice GNB’s worst offenders.  Many other towns are now seeking to repeat your methods in their own
investigations.  However, they have a few questions for you to consider: They want to know if your results will be reliable.  Explain what reliability is, why it is important for a study, the type of reliability you would look for in your
study (page 252-253) and why (5 points).  Also of importance is the validity of your study.  Please explain the term validity, why it is important for your study to possess validity, and describe one type of
validity you would look for and why?  (5 points).
4. For your study to be measured, you are going to have to find a way to define all key variables and measure your success or lack thereof.  With this in mind:
• Explain how you will operationally define “white-collar crime”.  (2 points).  • Explain how you plan to measure “white-collar crime” by explaining the level of measurement you plan to use in your study (nominal, ordinal, interval, or
ratio) and why (4 points).  • Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of using scales (chapter 10) (4 points).
5. The results of your study are in, and it is time to analyze the data to see if our study remains effective.  Please address the following questions the media
will have about your study:
• How would you determine if white-collar crime is significantly reduced?  (3 points)• Which term is most useful for analyzing your study, the mode, median or mean amount of white-collar crime?  Why did you choose this measure of central
tendency?  (4 points)• Will you be using inferential or descriptive statistics in your summary, and why?  (3 points)

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