Film: Transformation (Humanities)

Step One: Watch both of these videos: Tragedy Lessons from Aristotle: Crash Course Theater and
A Character Has 4 Pivotal Moments To Change

Step Two: Write a four-paragraph essay about one movie–preferably your favorite–that you watched
in which you learned from the transformation of the main character (whether the hero or villain).

  1. In the first paragraph:
    Provide the title, date, and director of the film, as well as a brief summary of the film in your own
  2. In the second paragraph:
    Choose one character. Describe the character before his/her/their transformation.
  3. In the third paragraph:
    • Describe the exact scene or scenes when the character transforms him, her, themselves.
    • Describe the obstacles he/she/they overcome.
    • Is there a recognition or reversal as described by Aristotle? If so, describe.
    • What were the lessons learned by the character?
  4. In the fourth paragraph:
    • Does the observer experience a catharsis, as described by Aristotle when watching this film?
    • What can an observer learn about the character and the transformation? Provide examples
    using scenes in the film.
    • Did the character’s transformation relate to your own life? If so, how?
    • Can you apply any of the lessons learned to your own life? If so, how?
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