Student Name:
I. Your Favorite Film Score
Factual Information (10 points)
Name and relation of person interviewed:
Film title (In Italics):
Year of release:
Favorite scene (include “cue title” in quotation marks from DVD menu, soundtrack album, or first line of dialogue):
Source of the film (DVD, Amazon, Netflix etc.):
Timing of the beginning and end of selected scene (hours:minutes:seconds):
Composer(s) of selected cue:
Instrumentation of the selected cue:
What is your favorite film and why is it meaningful to you? (10 points)
Discuss a favorite scene from the film that contains music and talk about how music is used in this scene. (10 points)
II. Younger Generation
Factual Information (10 points)
Name and relation of person interviewed:
Film title (In Italics):
Year of release:
Favorite scene (include “cue title” in quotation marks from DVD menu, soundtrack album, or first line of dialogue):
Source of the film (DVD, Amazon, Netflix etc.):
Timing of the beginning and end of selected scene (hours:minutes:seconds):
Composer(s) of selected cue:
Instrumentation of the selected cue:
What is your favorite film and why is it meaningful to you? (10 points)
Discuss a favorite scene from the film that contains music and talk about how music is used in this scene. (10 points)
III. Older Generation
Factual Information (10 points)
Name and relation of person interviewed:
Film title (In Italics):
Year of release:
Favorite scene (include “cue title” in quotation marks from DVD menu, soundtrack album, or first line of dialogue):
Source of the film (DVD, Amazon, Netflix etc.):
Timing of the beginning and end of selected scene (hours:minutes:seconds):
Composer(s) of selected cue:
Instrumentation of the selected cue:
What is your favorite film and why is it meaningful to you? (10 points)
Discuss a favorite scene from the film that contains music and talk about how music is used in this scene. (10 points)
IV. Reflection
What did you learn talking to people from different generations about their favorite films?
How do the selected film scores build upon historical styles? (10 points)