Fiesta De La Tirana (Celebration in Chile)

1)What are the intellectual concerns?: the cultural appropriation and commodification of cultural heritage
affecting indigenous peoples
2) Cultural Appropriation: is the act of taking something to misrepresent or ridicule a non-Western culture by
the dominant culture.
3) The commodification of Culture is the ability to take an ancestral cultural product (commercialized as a
souvenir, outsourced “made in China”) or traditional foods (commercialized/fast foodTlayudas) in order to meet
consumers (mainly cultural tourists) demand and supply.
4) What are the social concerns?: living conditions of indigenous peoples in Chile and in the Americas.
5) Systemic Poverty: Talk about poverty in chile
6)Mental Health of Indigenous Peoples: “With regard to depression amongst indigenous young people, the
information is insufficient and more research is necessary; however the data that is available in the region of
the Americas shows that the prevalence of depression is higher amongst indigenous communities than nonindigenous communities. Experiences of colonization, racism, cultural and ethnic marginalization, the tension
between traditional and western values, and limited access to resources and information put indigenous young
people at a greater risk of depression and in some cases suicide.”

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