Federal Government Research

• This assignment will engage you in Critical Thinking by requiring you to explain your thought process, reasoning, and research when selecting a topic and asserting a position.
• You will demonstrate a mastery of Written Communication skills by authoring an academic position paper comprised of reliable sources and evidence. Your final paper will be free of mechanical and technical errors and demonstrate careful revision. Your final paper will demonstrate mastery of APA Formatting.
• You will demonstrate your mastery of Personal Responsibility as this assignment will require you to establish a position on a specific issue and explore the ethical issues, while supporting your stance with facts.
• You will demonstrate Social Responsibility as this assignment will require that you consider cultural competency when establishing and arguing for a position. You will demonstrate or suggest the best way to engage your community and others.
• You will demonstrate a mastery of Visual Communication by using an image, graph, photograph, political cartoon or collage to frame and describe your topic in a visual way.


Topic Ideas: You may select a topic not listed and submit it for approval. Your topic must be approved before you begin your paper process. Some topic ideas include:

Immigration Policy Gun Rights/Gun Control LGTBQ+ Rights
DACA Economic Policy Voting Rights
Sanctuary Cities School Choice Voter Suppression
First Amendment International Trade/Tariffs Economic Policy
International Relations Climate Policy The Quest for Equality
Death Penalty Abortion Welfare Policy
Education Policy Taxation Health Care
Marijuana Legalization Border Security Mass Shootings
Criminal Justice Reform Gerrymandering Census Citizenship Question
Domestic Surveillance Social Security Supreme Court Case

Paper Content:
Each paper topic will create a unique paper. Below are examples of the substantive issues that need to be addressed. These discussion points are designed to give your paper direction.
• Clearly define the conflict or debate.
• Explain how the government is involved.
• Explain the constitutional authority for the government’s involvement
• Address why the issue is of social importance.
• Address the consequences of government action or government inaction.
• State and defend your opinion.
• Explain your solution to address the issue or conflict.

Pick a position in the United States Government and write a paper about that position.
Examples include: President, Vice President, Secretary of State, cabinet members, Head of the FBI, Supreme Court Justice, Member of Congress, Secretary of the Interior, etc. You can pick someone from the past or present or a candidate that is running for the position.

The body pages of your paper should address:
• Introduction – overview of what you are going to discuss.
• Describe the role, explain what this person does and the source(s) of this person’s power (i.e. Constitution or another law or bill), who does the person share power with / who does this person report to / what are the “checks and balances” on this person’s power / position?
• Explain how the role is filled – i.e. elected or appointed / approval by Congress. • Who is the person you are focusing on – past, present, or future – and provide background information about this person and major goals / initiatives this person had / has / wants to have in this position.
• Is this person affiliated with a political party? What role does that play in the position (i.e. with election or appointment, with how this person carries out their duties, with decisions this person makes, with accountability)?
• What were / are the major issues the person in this position is/was confronting in this position.
• State and explain your opinion of this person.
• Conclusion – based on your research what are the major impacts this person made on history / could make on history in this position.

Paper Writing Process:
Step 1: Select a Topic
Select your topic and submit it for approval.

Step 2: Paper Research (15 points)
Find and read articles about your topic. Read at least 5 articles. Use the library database to help you find reliable sources. Discuss the sources with your professor or a librarian to confirm that you are using reliable sources. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source.
Submit these sources in APA Format on the due date.

Step 3: Paper Outline (15 points)
Prepare an outline of your paper. Decide what points you want to make. Decide how your argument will be organized. A well-developed outline makes the writing process much easier.
Submit your Outline on the due date.

Step 4: Paper Draft (50 points)
Begin writing your paper. Develop your arguments. Write a first draft of your paper. Put in your sources and draft your Works Cited page. Select your visual image to include with the paper.
Submit your Paper Draft on the due date.

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