Feasibility Plan”

  1. Executive Summary Not to exceed 150 words. This is the Selling “hook”.
    The opening sentence grabs the attention of the reader with an intro statement that of what your business, produce, service is worth exploring, considering, etc. The rest explains the “details” so that the understand it and what to read on. You have aroused an interest. This is the same Executive Summary with which you would begin your Business Plan.

2.Product/service details. It could also contain a drawing or photo. You want the reader of this section to think, “Wow!, I get it! This is quite an idea. I am interested.

3.Management Who is the key person founder and what specific skills does he/she have to make this a success. If there are others on your team, what specific, unique skills that each of them bring to this venture to make is a success?

4.Competition List 3 direct competitors that could put you out of business. What are their strong points and industry in which they belong? How are you going to beat them with your service, quality, design benefits, uniqueness, size, speed, results, price, (even though I do not like competing on “price”?, etc., etc.!

These are double spaced and it does not exceed 2-3 pages maximum. Brevity and clarity are very important in business.

There must be a cover page giving all your key contact information.

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