Fat intake and dietary guidelines

New research continues to change your recommendations and opinions on fat intake and dietary guidelines. Despite the recommendations for fat and cholesterol changing in 2015, many people still believe low fat diets are appropriate for everyone.

Differences between Unsaturated and Saturated Fats

  1. Describe the chemical structure of unsaturated fats, saturated fats, and trans fats.
  2. Give 3 foods rich in each type of fat: unsaturated fats, saturated fats, and trans fats.
  3. What is the relationship between brain health and omega 3 fats?
  4. Do you think the current recommendations for fat are accurate and do they apply to the whole population?
  5. What do you think should be included in a healthy diet specifically with regards to fat intake? How does this apply to processed foods?
  6. Are you going to make any changes in your diet as a result of this information?
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