Far Away Brothers (2017)

Does the author show bias? If so, how does the author show bias? What is the impact of that bias on the story? If not, how does the author work not to show bias? What is the impact of those efforts on the story?

  1. Read: Far Away Brothers (2017) Chapters 9-12 & Afterwards
  2. Compete the Quizzes for Chapters 9-12 and Upload them to Canvas.
  3. Complete the Dicussion Board question Above

and ALWAYS introduce a quote WITHIN A COMPLETE SENTENCE that identifies the source of that quote.
NEVER drop an unidentified quote into a paragraph like this: “…”
Use the following general format to introduce and identify your evidence:
In Far Away Brothers (2017), Lauren Markham writes, “…” (pg #)
In Far Away Brothers (2017), Lauren Markham argues that “…” (pg #)
Quote grammar: There is a comma after the verb that introduces a quote. If your lead-in to the quote ends in “that” or “as” don’t follow it with a comma.
Give the author’s full name, spelled correctly.
Use the shortened book title.
Put the book title in italics.
Give the publication date in parentheses after a book title.
Put the page number in parentheses at the end of the sentence.

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