Fall 2020 Knowledge Application

Sources Must be from the chapters of the book.
Name of the book is:
An Integrated Approach to Communication Theory and Research (Routledge Communication Series) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PNQ93PH/ref=cm_sw_r_em_api_4s4IFb9JJDBQQ

Eligible chapters: 11, 16, 29, 31, 13, 23, 18, 19, 36, 20, 32, 33, 21, 25, 28
The goal of knowledge applications is to assess that students have read, comprehended, and contemplated theory material and can discuss it in an analytical, synthesized manner.
Answers should incorporate and synthesize material from several chapters and discuss multiple theories. There should be accurate, thoughtful engagement with theories written in a logical, organized manner. Be sure to provide in-text APA citations when citing material from chapters. Knowledge applications should be exactly three pages double-spaced.
These writing prompts are not questions that are required to be answered. Rather, they are prompts that can serve as a spark to begin your writing. As stated above, the important thing is to show contemplation, analysis, synthesis, and application. You can mix and match from these prompts. You can also pursue your own writing prompt as long as you discuss, analyze, and explain concepts from multiple theories and chapters.

  1. How might theories from eligible chapters relate to current events?
  2. How might theories from eligible chapters relate to your career and/or research interests?
  3. How might theories from eligible chapters provide a framework for studies that focus on international or intercultural communication?
  4. How might theories from eligible chapters provide a framework for studies that are rhetorical or feminist criticisms?
  5. How might theories and concepts from Week 6 (digital media) relate to theories from other eligible chapters?
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