Order Description
The purpose of this assignment is to develop a reliable scale of the construct you chose, and to
describe the development process of that scale. Your final scale should have between 4 and 6
items. You will use the item analysis techniques from the course to select your best 4 to 6 items
for your scale. Your write up should include an explanation of the purpose of your scale, and an
outline of the process you used to develop the items, and to select the best items.
As an individual, write a maximum 10-page, double-spaced manuscript with 1 inch margins
presenting your scale and the scale development process. Even though the scale was created as a
group you are responsible for writing and turning in your own manuscript.
Please note that the 10-page limit does not include Cover Page, Figures, Tables, References, and
Your assignment must include the following components and sections:
Cover Page
Ø Should include the title of the project and your name and student number
Ø Rationale for your scale. In other words, why is this an important construct to
measure? Include at least one reference to help you describe the importance of
your construct.
Ø Include your construction definition
Ø In this section, you should provide an overview of what you are trying to
accomplish, and the steps you will go through to accomplish that, including the
reason for each step.
Ø Note: You will not be presenting hypotheses; you will be presenting an argument
for developing your scale (i.e., why is this an important or useful scale to
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Ø Outline the process you used to create your scale. What techniques and steps did
you use to create your items? (e.g., where did the ideas for your items come
Ø Briefly describe how you collected your data
Analysis and Results
Ø Describe each of the analyses that you conducted.
Ø Describe what you did and why you did it (i.e., what information the reader can
learn from that analysis). Make sure you describe how to interpret the statistics
you used.
Ø Present your results (tables will be very helpful for presenting things like means, standard
deviations, etc.)
Ø Tell the reader what you found.
Ø You may include tables and figures in the body of the report. Make sure that all
tables and figures are well labeled, and that you explain each table or figure to the
reader. Do not include unnecessary information in the tables.
Ø In writing your results, be sure to consider all the techniques we covered in class,
§ item-total correlations
§ item means and standard deviations
§ item reliability index
§ qualitative analysis (linking item content to findings from your statistics)
§ internal consistency of final scale (i.e., the final scale is your scale once
you have deleted any items that aren’t working well)
§ histogram, including mean and SD of final scale;
Ø Be sure to address:
§ Which items performed well or poorly?
§ How did your scale perform as a whole?
§ Which items did you choose to delete and why? Talk about the qualitative
part here as well as quantitative part.
Ø Discuss the decisions you made based on the results of your analyses (e.g., if you decide
to drop an item, how did you make that decision?)
Ø Explain to your reader what you have done, and why those steps will ensure that you
have a reliable scale.
Ø Make sure you carefully describe the process that you followed, so that others could
produce the same pattern of results if they were given the same data set.
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Present the items of your final scale (e.g., if you started with 7 items, but dropped 3 throughout
the items analysis, present your final 4-item scale)
Ø Summarize your analyses as clearly as possible and provide closure to your report.
Ø Do you have evidence for a successful scale creation? Are additional steps required to
make it successful (e.g., Creating more items? Rewriting items, Collecting more data,
Ø Discuss how you would validate your scale. Be as specific as possible here (i.e.,
What techniques and variables would you use in future validation studies?).
Ø Include any reference materials and primary sources in a reference section (APA style reference section)