explore contexts and issues facing families, and will be largelydetermined by your interests and experiences


The third unit of our course will explore contexts and issues facing families, and will be largelydetermined by your interests and experiences. To help develop this
unit of the class you will be turning in a short, 3 page (double spaced) paper that highlights three issues or contexts facing families that you find particularly
interesting. These issues can be grounded in personal experience. They can also come from interest in social issues. After selecting your three issues you will be
asked to briefly describe the primary challengesfaced by families in these contexts. You should treat these descriptions like an annotation, where you are providing a
summary of the issue. You should also include and explain at least 2 peer-reviewed sources for each issue (giving you a total of 6 sources). These outside sources
should help to bolster your summary by providing insight into what is already known about this issue. To find sources I would suggest looking at the following
journals:Journal of Family Communication, Journal of Family Issues, Journal of Family and Marriage, Journal of Socialand Personal Relationships, Communication
Research. Papers should be turned in, in person, at the start of class on October 19th. They should be formatted using APA standards (12 pt font, Times New Roman, one
inch margins all around), and should also include a reference page and a cover sheet with your name. Please make sure tostaple your pages together. Inability to format
your paper correctly will result in a loss of points.


I’m from china, only one child in my family. I’m not from a single parent family. Do not write family economy
Use simple vocabulary

Hi writer, Before you start write this essay, Can you list three issues you will write and let me check first, I want to see is these three issues ok for me?use 6
sources only from these:
To find sources I would suggest looking at the following journals:Journal of Family Communication, Journal of Family Issues, Journal of Family and Marriage, Journal of
Socialand Personal Relationships, Communication Research.


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