Examples of nonverbal behaviors

Imagine you and your spouse have outgrown your current home. Your spouse wants to put a modest addition onto your home and do some minor remodeling so the home suits your needs but not all of your money is spent. You want to move to a much larger and more expensive home in a neighborhood that is closer to your job but farther away from your spouse’s. Explain how you would negotiate your positions using all of the different core strategies: surprise, bluff, stacking, screen, fait accompli, and “take it or leave it.” Include the pros and cons of using each strategy, and which, in your opinion, is likely to be the most successfully in this situation, and why. Consider reading Case 14-1 or 14-3 for applications of these concepts.

Give examples of nonverbal behaviors that may indicate a job candidate is interested in the interview. Give examples that may show lack of interest.

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