Events related to the computing profession and reflect on them.

Part 1: Attend 3 (or more) events related to the computing profession and reflect on them. These could be workshops, seminars. trainings, information sessions, conferences, panels, etc. The Career Fair does not count as a professional development event. Describe what you learned in the event and how it can help you in the future of your career. Also, critique the event and explain how it could have been made better and/or what you particularly liked about it. The events you decide to attend need to be approved by me. If you are already working with a company that offers professional development, that will be a great resource to pull from! When we are made aware of events taking place at WIT, we will post in Announcements on Moodie. Part 2: Imagine that you are an employer in charge of creating a seminar to train or help develop new professionals in your company. Explain your seminar. Some questions to consider answering: What would it be about? Who would it be for? How would you go about presenting it? What do you hope your new employees will gain from the seminar? How will you know they got something from the event?

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