Evaluation of Nutrition Claim


Choose a nutrition-related article or claim to critique. The article or claim can come from a popular magazine, newspaper, book, web site, social media page, documentary, or product brochure/label. The claim can be related to any popular diet, supplement, food, ingredient, or eating strategy as it relates to any aspect of health, fitness, wellness, or performance. To receive full credit, please choose an article or claim that cites some supporting “research” and contains enough information to do a thoughtful critique (5 pts.).

Write a 2-page, typed, double-spaced paper (12 pt. font with 1” margins) in which you thoroughly answer the 3 questions below and include your references (in either MLA or APA citation format) at the end. NOTE: Your citations should include your nutrition article or claim, as well as 2 additional scientific research references (from peer-reviewed journals or credible government/professional organizations) that either support or refute the claim (5 pts.).

Please proof-read your paper for correct grammar/spelling (5 pts.).

1. What is the nutrition claim being made and how trustworthy is the source? 10 pts.

• Who is the author/source making the claim and/or conducting the research? Does this person’s credentials, work affiliations, education, and experience provide you with confidence that they are a credible and unbiased source of nutrition information?
• Where is the research/claim published? Is this a reliable source of nutrition information? Who paid for the research/article? Is there any conflict of interest or potential sources of bias?

2. How good is the research supporting the claim? 10 pts.

• Is it testimonials/anecdotal evidence or actual research?
• How strong is the study design (epidemiological vs. intervention; randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled)?
• Who were the subjects and how many subjects were used?
• What was the length of the study?
• Was the study published in a peer-reviewed journal?

3. What is your overall evaluation of the nutrition claim? Is the claim put in a proper perspective and presented in a responsible manner? 15 pts.

• Any mention of how many studies support vs. reject the claim?
• Any warning about adverse side effects/risks?
• Any acknowledgment of other factors that have a more significant impact on health, fitness, wellness, and performance than the one being studied?
• Please use 2 scientific research references (from peer-reviewed journals or government/professional organizations) to give your overall evaluation of the claim.

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