Evaluating Sources

As regular users of the World Wide Web, both for personal and instructional purposes, we all share a concern over the accuracy of information available on the Internet. Indeed, one of the Internet’s most powerful and novel features (its ability to provide a world-wide forum for the ideas, opinions and beliefs of anyone with access to a server) can also be one of its biggest liabilities.
Many members of the scientific community have made statements to the effect that scientific information on the Web is often inaccurate, flawed or unreliable. However, as scientists, we are trained to be skeptical of generalizations until we have data to support them.
It’s important to build/develop skills in CRITICAL THINKING and CRITICAL READING. The process creates students who can teach themselves, enabling lifelong learning.
After reviewing the scientific method this week, make sure you can distinguish between good science, bad science, and pseudoscience.

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