Enterprise Data Management Concepts

Enterprise Data Management Concepts

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Case Study: Problem 1
The case study company has experienced rapid growth in both the size of its client base and also in the services provided to clients. Unfortunately, the growth in data
management policies, procedures, and systems has not kept pace with the growth, and the company finds itself in a position where sensitive data are not adequately
protected, and content management is insufficient to ensure the accuracy and availability of the data. To resolve this problem, the company has enlisted the aid of a
consultant with expertise in enterprise data management and data governance. After initial planning meetings with the company’s chief executive officer (CEO) and chief
information officer (CIO), the consultant has determined that the first step in the project should be to evaluate the company’s current major content requirements. The
consultant will also establish an implementation plan for a new enterprise content management (ECM) system. How should this evaluation be done, and what should be
included in the results? (Key assignment deliverable: Project Outline and Requirements, Implementation Life Cycle)
Key Assignment Overview

Throughout this course, you will work on several aspects of enterprise content management that will result in a complete ECM and Data Governance Policies and
Procedures Manual for a company of your choosing. Enterprise content management is the formal management of the organization and the storage of an organization’s
valuable content and documents that are related to business processes. Data governance policies and procedures are the formal policies and processes that enforce data
quality, management, and policies and business process management and risk management. You will not actually be performing the implementation of the system, but you
will work extensively with the concepts of good enterprise content management practices. Additional information and the deliverables for each Individual Project will
be provided in the assignment description for the project. This is the course Key Assignment that you will make contributions to each week.

Enterprise Content Management and Data Governance Policies and Procedures Manual

This course is comprised of a series of Individual Project assignments that will contribute to a Key Assignment submission at the end of the course. Each week, you
will complete a part of an Enterprise Content Management and Data Governance Policies and Procedures Manual. You will select an organization (real or fictitious) and
apply your research to the development of an ECM and Data Governance Policies and Procedures Manual that would be appropriate for implementation within the
organization. The goal of this course project is to develop the policies and procedures necessary for the organized management and governance of content in an

Organization and Project Selection

The first step will be to select an organization as the target for your Enterprise Content Management and Data Governance Policies and Procedures Manual. This
organization will be used as the basis for each of the assignments throughout the course and should conform to the following guidelines:
•Nontrivial: The organization should be large enough and should deal with sufficient amounts of data to allow reasonable exercise of the enterprise content management
and data governance policies and procedures that you develop in your manual. Note that the organization should be similar to the organization presented in the Problem
Based Learning Scenario, but the company does not have to be a consulting company. The company should, however, deal with clients and some of their sensitive data. The
organization can be fictional if necessary, and appropriate assumptions may be made.
•Domain knowledge: You should be familiar enough with the organization to allow focus on the project tasks without significant time required for domain education.
•Accessibility: You should have good access to the people and other information related to the project because this will be an important part of the process.
•Note: The selected organization may already have an enterprise content management system in place and can still be used as the basis for the projects in this course.

Select an organization that meets these requirements, and submit your proposal to your instructor before proceeding further with the assignments in the course.
Approval should be sought within the first several days of the course. Your instructor will tell you how to submit this proposal and what notification will be given
for project approval.


For the assignments in this course, you will be developing an Enterprise Content Management and Data Governance Policies and Procedures Manual that defines the
policies and procedures for management and governance of data and content within the organization. Your first task in this process will be to select an organization to
use as the basis of your research and analysis for each of the assignments in the course. You will also create the shell document for the final project deliverable
that you will be working on during each unit. As you proceed through each project phase, you will add content to each section of the final document to gradually
complete the final project delivery (this is the Key Assignment). Appropriate research should be conducted to support the development of your document, and assumptions
may be made when necessary.

The following are the project deliverables:
•Submit the project proposal to your instructor for approval.
•Enterprise Content Management and Data Governance Policies and Procedures Manual document shell ?Use Word
?Title Page ?Course number and name
?Project name
?Student name

?Table of Contents ?Use an autogenerated TOC.
?It should be on a separate page.
?It should be a maximum of 3 levels deep.
?Be sure to update the fields of the TOC so it is up-to-date before submitting your project.

?Section Headings (create each heading on a new page with TBD as content except for sections listed under New Content below) ?Project Outline and Requirements (Week 1)
?Implementation Life Cycle (Week 1)
?Information Infrastructure Evaluation (Week 2)
?Information Infrastructure Improvements (Week 3)
?Data Governance Evaluation (Week 4)
?Data Governance Improvements (Week 5)
?Implementation Plan (Week 5)

?New Content ?Project Outline and Requirements ?Provide a brief description of the organization (can be hypothetical) that will be used as the basis for the projects
in the course.
?Include company size, location(s), and other pertinent information.
?The organization should be involved in dealing with clients and some of their sensitive information.
?Summarize the content requirements for the organization, including the major categories of content and regulations that might apply to the organization’s content.
Material can be taken from an approved proposal that is submitted to the instructor.

?Implementation Life Cycle ?Thoroughly describe the life cycle that will be used to implement the ECM and data governance policies and procedures.
?Each stage of the life cycle should include significant detail and demonstrate a broad understanding of the implementation requirements.


•Be sure this project is approved by the instructor.
•Name the document “yourname_IT621_IP1.doc.”

Worked Example

refer to the Worked Example below for an example of this assignment based on the Problem-Based Learning Scenario. The worked example is not intended to be a complete
example of the assignment but will illustrate the basic concepts required for completion of the assignment and can be used as a general guideline for your own project.
Your assignment submission should be more detailed and specific and should reflect your own approach to the assignment rather than just following the same outline
provided in the worked example.


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