Emergency exits in an emergency evacuation

The tendency for building occupants to use familiar exits instead of
emergency exits in an emergency evacuation cannot be overcome.
You should carry out a systematic literature search to identify research papers relevant to your chosen topic.
Include a Methods section giving details of databases that you used to source relevant literature, your search strategy ((including keywords, how you combined them and details of any advanced search techniques used),
and inclusion and exclusion criteria that you applied to the results of your search in order to select the literature for review. Include a flow diagram (Prisma diagram (see Figure 1) or similar) to help illustrate the process. We
suggest you should aim to identify between 10-12 key research papers, at least 5 of which should comprise
primary research
1: Critical Evaluation Research Methods). Note: this table is not included in the word count – it is expected to be concise but detailed and will only be able to be completed after a thorough reading of the identified papers
which present primary research.

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