Ehithic, Ingtelligence, And Technology In Homeland Security

choose either DHS or FEMA as the agency you will explore; next choose 1 of the subordinate divisions for your selected agency. (Example: DHS; Chemical and Biological Division.) Examine your selected division’s roles, responsibilities, and capabilities for contributing to the security of the nation.

You will assume the role of inspector general, specializing in investigations but not necessarily technology. You have been assigned to provide a thorough and honest assessment of the selected division’s use of technology. You will draft a report in the format of your choice, addressed to the Chief of either DHS’ Science and Technology Directorate or FEMA’s Building Science Branch.

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in 4–6 pages:
What is your selected division’s mission? Explain in detail.
Identify, describe, and explain 3–5 of the technologies commonly employed by this entity.
What is the stated purpose of the technologies?
What are the technologies actually used for?
Evaluate the merits and disadvantages of each technology. Explain.
Is the division using the technologies well or poorly? Explain in detail.
Provide well-defended arguments regarding each technology.
What current technologies are being developed?

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