Education Around the World.

Paper instructions

Directions: Part 1
Click on the reading, Education Around the World. ([email protected]:voB0kEEh@6/Education-around-the-World)
Copy and Paste to Google Drive or OR Download and Print out the reading.
You can highlight on Google Drive. When you do that, a bubble with a + sign will populate next to highlighted portion. In that bubble, you can make annotations.
OR Download as a word document to complete the active reading skills.
OR Print out the reading to complete the active reading skills by hand.
Directions: Part 2

Preview, Highlight, and Annotate Education Around the World
Create a Legend/Key.
Identify and map the Main Idea, Major and Minor Supporting Details.
Upload and submit the Education Around the World reading.
Upload and submit your Main Idea and Supporting Details Map via Google URL link format, Word document, or JPEG.

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