Economics Case

Economics Case

Order Description

Poster (Group, 70 points)
? Logical Flow of information presented (5 points)
Sequence of analysis clear in presentation..
Components appropriately labeled so it is clear what information in each area.. No redundant information on poster.
? Introduction of project and alternatives* – Concise and understandable (10 points) Problem being addressed is clear.
Basic information provided on alternatives so viewer understands differences Format is easy for viewer to
? Data and assumptions* – Summarized in appropriate level of detail (12 points) Pertinent data shown.
No extraneous information.
Appropriate differentiation between facts and assumptions. Format allows viewer to quickly see facts and assumptions
? Cash flow analyses* – Summarized in appropriate level of detail (12 points) Information provided for each alternative and clearly identified.
It is clear what the analysis is of (variables, alternative, EAC/PW) Appropriate after tax information included.
? Sensitivity Analysis* – Figures provided analyzing significant variables/assumptions (16 points) Minimum of three significant variables analyzed.
Appropriate choice of type of figures for presentation.
It is clear what variables are being analyzed and the limits used.
Figures have appropriate labels (titles, axis)
? Conclusions* – Specific recommendations made (8 points)
Recommendations are appropriate for the assumptions made and analysis performed. Clear and specific recommendation made for equipment alternative.
Clear and specific recommendation made regarding making current vendor parts in-house.
? Visual appeal (4 points) Does not look cluttered.
Font sizes readable. Good use of space.
? Grammar &Spelling (3 points)
No more than one grammar error/typo or spelling error.
* The poster does not have to have components specifically tied to each of the grading areas. There are multiple ways to present the information in a logical manner.
Supporting Spreadsheets (Group, 15 points):
? Complete – all aspects of the analysis included.
? Correct – All inputs and formulas correct.
? Easy to follow – structured and annotated such that they can be printed out and used as a handout in a
meeting where managers could understand them without having the spreadsheet in Excel.

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