Ecologically important in order to support agriculture in countries that have significant hunger

  1. Would you support clearing of forests and plowing of grasslands that are ecologically important in order to support agriculture in countries that have significant hunger?  Why?  Where do you draw the line between preserving ecosystems and human interest?  Are there other solutions?  Suggest some.  What are the pros and cons?
  2. Fully discuss the concept of Biomes and the factors that contribute to their definition. In addition, provide four well-developed sentences (in a listing and numbered format) relating to climate, location;, organisms, and human impact for EACH of the ten major terrestrial biomes.
  3. Compare and contrast at least five components of a freshwater ecosystem with those of a marine ecosystem.
  4. Locate a website listing the threatened and endangered species of your state (or country, if you reside outside the USA) and provide the following information for five specpies of your choosing: 1. Name of the species 2. General information about your chosen species 3. Reasons it is threatened or endangered and 5 current status of the species
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