Eastern cougars be reintroduced to New York state

Prompt: Should eastern cougars be reintroduced to New York state? Read the two news articles by James Gorman and Steve Orr to gather insight and perspectives on the issue of reintroducing eastern cougars to New York state. Use article search tool (or Google Scholar or another appropriate search engine) to find at least two recent (after 2010) peer-reviewed journal articles to support your opinion. These articles could be about eastern cougars in particular, or they could be similar issues on another species (e.g., gray wolves or other reintroduced large carnivores), as long as they’re used to support your opinion. Using these resources, write a 1,000-word essay (acceptable range: 800-1,300 words) where you summarize the arguments (for/against reintroduction) and provide your science-based opinion on the issue. See the grading rubric for details.
Article link: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/19/science/too-many-deer-on-the-road-let-cougars-return-study-says.html

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