Earth Science

  1. Barrier islands are common along the Atlantic coast of the U.S. as far north Massachusetts. Why are there
    almost none in the northeastern U.S. or along the coasts of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland?
  2. approximately what size of waves (amplitude and wavelength) would you expect with a 65 km/h wind blowing for 40 hours over 1,000 km of the sea?
  3. The steepness of a wave can be determined from these numbers and is related to the ratio:
    amplitude/wavelength. How would these ratios change with increasing distance from the wind that produced the waves?
  4. The blue-grey sediments on rocks contain marine fossils of early Holocene age (~12,500 years ago).
    Explain the role that melting ice might have played in raising this material 60 m above sea level. Is this change
    a result of isostatic or eustatic relative sea-level change?
  5. How do we define the limits of the beach face, and what are some other terms used to describe this zone?
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