Early Childhood Leadership – Key Challenges faced by Early Childhood Mentor Educators on their job


Write a research report in which you discuss your planning, design, conduct and conclusions from the analysis of an interview specifically related to your research topic (unless otherwise negotiated). This research report should include: • A description of your research focus including a key research question and subsidiary questions, if needed; • A detailed explanation of your analytic purpose (what do you hope to achieve through the use of interviews). This section should demonstrate your understandings of the capabilities of interviews in social science research and show how an interview is suited to your research focus; • A full explanation of how this interview was planned, how it was conducted, including the questioning-responding style used by the participants; • A discussion of your role in the interview and the ways in which you accounted for the effect of your involvement on your interviewees in your analysis and reflection on the interview data • A brief description of your transcription procedures; • A section outlining and discussing the implications of your findings from your analysis;


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