E-Commerce Strategy report

E-Commerce Strategy report

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Discuss the battle between all these organisations (and other potential organisations) in relation to gaining mobile payment supremacy and advantage with businesses, government and consumers.
Use examples when explaining your thoughts in the report.

The pressure is on for organisations to increase its effort in the mobile payments area.
The stakes are high in the mobile wallet market, with this new payment market topping $142 billion by 2019, compared with $67 billion in 2015, according to Forrester Research.
The upside remains enormous: Consumers made $15 trillion worth of retail transactions in 2013. Whoever ends up with controlling interests in this new digital ecosystem will reap billions of dollars in transaction fees, collect massive amounts of consumer data and control the type of targeted advertising that makes marketers excited.
Samsung has announced that it will roll out a payment system called Samsung Pay later this year and has already begun beta-testing it in South Korea. Its foray into this industry comes on the heels of product entries by Google Wallet (in 2011) and Apple Pay (in late 2014. Google has just launched (September 2015) Android Pay, to counter Apple Pay, an improvement over Google Wallet. Amazon recently acquired GoPago’s technology (Mobile Payment) and is very interested in the mobile payment business. GoPago’s app allows shoppers to order and pay for goods and services before they arrive at a store. GoPago has been subsequently rebranded as Verifone Cloud POS.
Payment card providers such as Visa, MasterCard and Amex have launched mobile digital wallet products. Also the major banks in most countries in Australia (eg, CBA and Westpac), and around the world, have introduced mobile payment systems.

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