E-Business Marketing project
E-Business Marketing project
Order Description
Project Overview
The purpose of the E-Business Marketing project is to give students an opportunity to
explore how some of the concepts introduced in this course can be applied in practice.
Specifically, students assume the role of a business strategist who has been hired by a new
or existing business to write a strategy plan for an e-business marketing initiative that the
organisation is considering.
This assignment is not literature review or just a collection online material reviewing an
existing large company’s published E-Business Marketing proposals or accomplishments.
Project Information
? An Individual assessment item
? Students should start to work on their projects as soon as possible
? Due: Sunday 12 January 2014 at 10pm (Sydney time)
? Developing an E-Commerce Business Plan for an organisation
? Business Planning format required
? Proof reading (spelling, grammar) is essential
? References according to Harvard Referencing style
? Upload the final document onto iLearn
? No. of Pages: 15 page report (inc. Table of Contents), plus references and appendix
? 12 point font, size, Arial font style, 1.5 spacing
? Late reports will attract a 20% penalty of the assignment mark for each day late
Examples of E-Business Marketing Topics
? Online Retailing
? Improvement in website design and analytics
? Developing online B2B communications or commerce
? Providing online customer service and support
? Developing Mobile Marketing programs
? Social Media
? Digital Media – incorporating into the marketing mix
? Search Engine Marketing and Optimisation
Other information
? Choose either a company that is using online marketing but you feel they can do it
better or one that isn’t using online marketing but you think they should
? Can be either a local or global organisation
? Can be either a large or small organisation2
E-Business Marketing Plan Template
1. Executive summary
2. Introduction
3. Situation analysis (Where are we now?)
a. Understanding your marketplace b.
b. macro-environment (external)
c. Our customers (buyers) and potential customers
d. Our marketplace
e. Our competitors
f. Intermediaries and partners
g. Our own capabilities (SWOT)
4. Objectives (Where do we want to be?)
a. Vision and Mission
b. State the Goals (clearly and measurable)
c. Measurements and Evaluation (Google Analytics)
5. Strategy (How are you going to achieve the goals?)
a. Segmentation
b. Targeting
c. Positioning
d. Value Proposition and the marketing mix
e. Brand strategy
f. Online representation or presence
g. Content and engagement strategy
h. Acquisition communications strategy
i. Conversion strategy
j. Retention communications strategy
k. Data strategy (managing content)
l. Multichannel integration strategy (offline and online inc. Mobile)
6. Tactics (which digital marketing activities do we optimise)
a. Reach – Attract Traffic
• Online Advertising (PPC)
• Affiliate and Partner Marketing
• Online PR
• Social Media Marketing
b. ACT and Convert:
• Capture Leads
• Nurture Prospects
• Convert Sales
c. Engage:
• Content Marketing
• E-Newsletters, promotions, personalisation
• Customisation
• Service and support
• Upsell Customers
• Get Referrals
7. Financials / Budget
• Revenues
• Expenses – Fixed /Variable /Major Costs
• Cash Flows
8. Action Plans (who does what, when)
9. Conclusion
10. References
11. Appendix
Project Overview
The purpose of the E-Business Marketing project is to give students an opportunity to
explore how some of the concepts introduced in this course can be applied in practice.
Specifically, students assume the role of a business strategist who has been hired by a new
or existing business to write a strategy plan for an e-business marketing initiative that the
organisation is considering.
This assignment is not literature review or just a collection online material reviewing an
existing large company’s published E-Business Marketing proposals or accomplishments.
Project Information
An Individual assessment item
Students should start to work on their projects as soon as possible
Due: Sunday 12 January 2014 at 10pm (Sydney time)
Developing an E-Commerce Business Plan for an organisation
Business Planning format required
Proof reading (spelling, grammar) is essential
References according to Harvard Referencing style
Upload the final document onto iLearn
No. of Pages: 15 page report (inc. Table of Contents), plus references and appendix
12 point font, size, Arial font style, 1.5 spacing
Late reports will attract a 20% penalty of the assignment mark for each day late
Examples of E-Business Marketing Topics
Online Retailing
Improvement in website design and analytics
Developing online B2B communications or commerce
Providing online customer service and support
Developing Mobile Marketing programs
Social Media
Digital Media – incorporating into the marketing mix
Search Engine Marketing and Optimisation
Other information
Choose either a company that is using online marketing but you feel they can do it
better or one that isn’t using online marketing but you think they should
Can be either a local or global organisation
Can be either a large or small organisation
Recommended Structure:
E-Business Marketing Project Checklist:
Title Page: Including Student Name Id and Email Address
Table Of Contents
Executive summary:
Introduction and Background:
Business Concept: This is the section that sells your “big idea” to your client.
? Industry, Market, Competitor and Organisation
? Business (online) model: current model and the proposed one
? Strategy (Plan): which includes:
? Objectives – these are the actual ones you are creating, not the past ones
? Strategy – the ones you are developing
? A brief description of products and services (Value Proposition)
? Critical Success Factors – the online areas required to make this business project a
? Recommendations / Conclusions
? Recommendations about what the organisation should do next, based on the
analysis and strategy presented in the plan.
References – use the Harvard Referencing Format.
? Appendices