Drugs, Crime and Control

Drugs, Crime and Control

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Essay question: Critically examine to what extent is involvement in the illegal drug trade a function of access and
opportunity, or is it a reflection of social exclusion, or both?

Instructions from the lecturer: It is essential that you show evidence of independent reading and critical analysis. Explore a wide range of drug debates about that
issue, engage with the key academic and policy literature, critically analyse the law, policies and agencies of drug control and situate them with the wider
social,economic, historical and philosophical context.
Analyse and critically evaluate the collected material and sustain an argument. It is strongly recommended that you look through recent issues of key journals (eg.
International Journal of Drug Policy).

Further points that I would to clarify: The essay should be 2500 words instead of 2750.
The essay should be written in Harvard referencing system and should be appear with footnotes.
Footnotes,references, bibliography are not included in the word count.
In the essay should be included at least 15 articles. Other references could be books, reports, policy documents and other relevant sources with that topic.
I will upload the relevant lecture for this topic and a document with articles, books and reports which are selected by the lecturer.
The lecturer also said: Do not lean too heavily on the content or structure of the lecture, which are designed to provide an overview of topic and help guide your own

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