Discuss the rise of Islam as a religion, their champions and how/why it spread as an empire


Discuss the rise of Islam as a religion, their champions and how/why it spread as an empire


Use at least one primary source (in addition to the Bentley text, online lectures and video) to support your discussion and place your discussion a time/geographical
framework/historical relevance, hint: think of the who, what, when, where, why/how questions.) Remember that historical essays have 5 paragraphs with an introductory
paragraph (the thesis as the last sentence), three points and conclusion. Incorporating study guide terms, and showing evidence of readings by incorporating ideas from
all three sets of sources: lectures, primary or secondary sources and textbook are important! For example, ″Bentley argues,″ ″John Green claims,″ or ″The Hebrews
believed…″ Grammar check. Link to powerpoint lecture: https://www.slideshare.net/gchee99/lecture-4-islamic-empires-modern-shorter-912 2 Pages


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