Discourse Analysis
Discourse Analysis
Order Description
This Assignment is Discourse Analysis(DA)
You should An analysis and interpretation of chosen text (Old Delhi walking tour ), with a focus on interpersonal meaning as attitude and graduation.
Task: 2500 – 3000 words of analysis and interpretation of interpersonal meaning in your chosen text.
Your analyses will draw on the theorization of interpersonal meaning using the system of appraisal – as attitude and as graduation.
Note: You must attach all your analyses as an appendix to the assignment. AND you are also advised to incorporate excerpts from your analyses into the body of the assignment to illustrate the points you are making.
you should use the reference form List of core readings for the subject firstly, then from the additional readings in attached.
Criteria: To critically deconstruct the discourse, demonstrating in the process:
• a familiarity with the theoretical models introduced in the subject;
• an ability to apply the tools introduced in the subject in the accurate analysis of texts;
• an ability to interpret the analyses with reference to the social context;
• an ability to represent the analysis and interpretation in a clear and comprehensible way.
Further guidance
1.Review key readings on SFL and discourse analysis, especially on interpersonal meaning. Have these resources handy as you work on your analyses. Many of them contain useful examples of analysis and tables of examples to assist you in making theoretically sound decisions. Give yourself plenty of time to do the analyses.
2.You will be provided with a model of analyses of attitude and graduation in another text, for a similar but different genre. I will provide guidance in analyzing the text as a genre –so that you can refer to that structuring of the text as you interpret patterns of interpersonal meaning in the discourse.
3.There are a number of ways forward:
In relation to appraisal, the aim is to be able to discuss preferences and patterns in the language of the texts that work to express particular kinds of relationships and values (relationships between participants in the text and relationships with us as the reader/viewer). In this subject, that means being able to identify preferences and patterns in the kinds of attitudes that are expressed, and in relation to what is being appraised. It is also about how values are graded up or down- to make them more or less intense.You can consider what the impact is on you as reader when they are graded up or down. It is alos about how we can imply or ‘invoke’ attitude – that is express it less overtly – by grading non-attitudinal meanings. We refer to this as ‘flagging’ and attitudinal interpretation, rather than expressing it explicitly. How does this work in the discourse you are analyzing.
4.Don’t forget there are 2 important parts to your task:
1) analyse the texts an describe what you find – and patterns that you see.
2) Interpret from the choices and patterns of interpersonal meaning the kinds of values it expresses and the kinds of relationships it sets up with you the reader.
Please find in attached :
* DA Assignment 1 Sample outline of structure for paper
* Sample analyses (in text)
* Assessment text (Old Delhi walking tour)
* List of core readings for the subject- section by section
* Assignment 1 guide
* Assessment criteria Assessmen 1
* Some of the readings and support files.