Direct Potable Reuse as a Solution to Water Scarcity

Purpose: To inform about global water scarcity and a valid method to combat this problem.
Central Idea: Becoming educated on the safety and effectiveness of direct potable reuse
purification process will improve overall acceptance of the process.
Organizational Method: I will use problem-solution arrangement in order to describe the problem
of water scarcity and then provide the solution of direct potable reuse to create sustainable
drinking water.
I. Gain attention -toif I told you that direct potable reuse is a viable solution to water scarcity?
II. What is direct potable reuse?
III. Preview topic and main points Today I will be discussing direct potable reuse as a
solution to water scarcity. We will preview the issue of water scarcity, the
purification process of direct potable reuse, and future applications of the process and
the possible impact it will have to supplement our water supply.
Transition to Body:
I. Main point one – Water scarcity is a serious problem that poses a serious threat to our
future health and sustainability.
A. According to the WHO, Water scarcity already affects every four of ten people
and brings the possibility of serious illness and disease (World Health
Organization, 2007).

  1. Many factors contribute to water scarcity, which makes it an ongoing
    problem with deadly outcomes.
  2. According to the World Health Organization,
    people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water B. When people to resort to unsafe and unclean sources of drinking water, there is
    an increased risk of infection (various illness and disease).
    Transition to next main point: Now that we know more about water scarcity, l ask
    being done to rectify this global issue?
    II. Main point two The technology and process of purification used in direct potable
    reuse offers a viable and inexpensive solution to water scarcity.
    A. Waste water undergoes a three step process of microfiltration, reverse osmosis
    and ultraviolet light and hydrogen peroxide treatment
  3. Direct potable reuse incorporates multiple steps to ensure it is quality
    standards for human consumption
    larger particles, followed by reverse-osmosis to remove contaminants
    and inorganic impurities, and the final step involves treating the water
    with ultraviolet light and hydrogen peroxide to kill any remaining
    Gale n.d.).
    B. This extensive purification process results in superior water quality, leaving it

Transition to next main point: Now that we know what direct potable reuse is and how it
works, what possibilities does it hold for the future?
III. Main point three As direct potable reuse grows in popularity and acceptance, viable
applications for the future are implemented in areas of need.
A. Due to the severity of the California drought, water purification centers have
been built to recycle water for multiple purposes.

  1. While the reused water is being used to supplement agricultural and
    construction purposes, public perception keeps it from being used to
    create sustainable drinking water.
    Purification Center, located in San Jose, began operations last year and
    produces up to 8 million gallons per day of purified water from B.
    first direct-to- (Daniels, 2015). These facilities
    are a promising step forward to the water scarcity issue that affects our world.
    Transition to Conclusion: Imagine what our world would be like if we were to prioritize a
    solution over personal feelings.
    I. Today we have discussed direct potable reuse as a solution to global water scarcity. applications for future use that we are starting to see as acceptance grows.
    II. Do you -to-
    Daniels, J. (2015, April 15). California drought gives ‘toilet to tap’ a new level of attention.
    CNBC. Retrieved March 1, 2018, from
    Gale, S. F. (n.d.). Battling Water Scarcity: Direct Potable Reuse Poised as Future of Water
    Recycling. WaterWorld, 29(9). Retrieved March 1, 2018, from
    World Health Organization (WHO) . (2007, April 9). World Health Organization’s ’10 Facts
    About Water Scarcity’. Water Online. Retrieved March 1, 2018, from
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