Digital marketing plan.

Conduct your own research online and find a real-world case study of a failed digital marketing plan.

Examples: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

In a 12-15 slide PowerPoint deck (excluding bibliography), accompanied by a 5-7 minute video summary of the slide deck, and referencing at least 8 credible sources, address the following:

Provide a brief summary of the failed plan, including what the intended outcomes were versus the actual outcomes.
Select three of the digital marketing concepts, principles, strategies, and/or tactics that we have covered in this course and use them to describe where/how the company made a poor decision.
For each of the three areas, provide a recommendation for a new approach, analysis, framework, and/or solution that could help the company course correct and improve digital marketing outcomes in the future.
Appraise the types of data and analysis that could be used to generate consumer insights that impact decision-making regarding digital marketing strategies and tactics.
Apply concepts related to artificial intelligence (AI) and social media messaging to optimize a sustainable digital marketing campaign for your chosen failed marketing plan.
Devise solutions to marketing problems involving pricing, promotion, and targeting using data mining techniques and consumer analytics that would improve your chosen failed marketing plan.

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