Different types of IT systems users

In this chapter, you read about the different types of IT systems users, the roles they play, and available career paths.
Use Microsoft Excel to create a table spreadsheet comparing jobs in the IT industry. Select 5 job positions from the list below and list them in the
spreadsheet. Format accordingly.
Column names:
job title
starting salary
salary range
skills needed
education needed
any other pertinent information
Job List
Chief marketing technologist
Developer evangelist
Software developer
Ethical hacker
Business intelligence analyst
Cybersecurity analysts
Digital marketing manager
Growth hacker
UX designer
Cloud architect
Data detective
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) specialist
User experience (UX) designer
Master of edge computing
Digital prophet
Scrum master
NOC specialist
SEO/SEM specialist
Deliverables: Excel spreadsheet Module 9 Activity.
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