Deviance, Crime and Social Control

Watch the film Life on Parole located in the videos folder. The video is about 1 hour in length so give yourself sufficient time to review the film and take notes.

Read A 2018 Update on Prisoner Recidivism: A 9-Year Follow-up Period (2005-2014), by the U.S. Department of Justice, located in the Readings folder.

Read the Factsheet Trends in U.S. Corrections by The Sentencing Project, located in the Readings folder.

Read The New Jim Crow, by Michelle Alexander, located in the Readings folder.

Review Chapter 7 and the main concepts of deviance, crime and social control prior to completing this discussion post.

What to write:

After watching the documentary and reading the articles, prepare the following initial post:

Paragraph 1

After watching the documentary Life on Parole and reading through the 2018 Update on Prisoner Recidivism, write a paragraph to your classmates explaining what you learned. Describe any aspect of the video and/or reading that showed you something you hadn’t seen before, caused you to think in a new way, or helped you understand something more thoroughly than before. Did it change your thinking? Include facts described in the video and reading that made an impression on you and explain why.

Paragraph 2

After reading The New Jim Crow and The Fact Sheet: Trends in U.S. Corrections, write a paragraph to your classmates explaining what you learned. Describe any aspect of the readings that showed you something you hadn’t seen before, caused you to think in a new way, or helped you understand something more thoroughly than before. Did it change your thinking? Include facts described in the readings that made an impression on you and explain why.

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