Develop a Risk Assessment Plan

Develop a Risk Assessment Plan

use the scenarios that  are attached
The instructor will present you with a national disaster scenario and you will develop a 10–15 page risk assessment plan in response to the potential threat. Your plan should:
•    Determine the threat, vulnerability, and consequences to the various critical infrastructure/key resources (CI/KR) at risk from the prospective national disaster.
•    Recommend applicable risk assessment methodologies.
•    Recognize and account for interdependencies between CI/KR sectors.
•    Recognize and account for challenges each CI/KR sector may encounter.
In your plan, address each of the nine CI/KR sectors that were discussed in class. You can utilize one of the formats and/or risk assessment methods applied in the Sector-Specific Plans as an outline for your paper.
Please note: This Assignment will require outside research. Use at least two credible sources beyond the text material and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used.
You may consult, the internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations in APA style.

Scenario Overview: Biological Disease Outbreak – Pandemic Influenza
General Description –
Influenza pandemics have occurred every 10 to 60 years, with three occurring in the twentieth century (1918, 1957-1958, and 1967-1968). Influenza pandemics occur when there is a notable genetic change (termed genetic shift) in the circulating strain of influenza. Because of this genetic shift, a large portion of the human population is entirely vulnerable to infection from the new pandemic strain.

This scenario hypothetically relates what could happen during the next influenza pandemic without an effective preplanned response. At least twenty-five cases occur first in a small village in south China. Over the next 2 months, outbreaks begin to appear in Hong Kong, Singapore,
South Korea, and Japan. Although cases are reported in all age groups, young adults appear to be the most severely affected, and case-fatality rates approach 5%. Several weeks later, the virus appears in four major U.S. cities. By nature, pandemic influenza moves extremely rapidly, and the outbreaks continue.

Secondary Hazards/Events –
The greatest secondary hazard will be the problems caused by shortages of medical supplies (e.g., vaccines and antiviral drugs), equipment (e.g., mechanical ventilators), hospital beds, and health care workers. Having a detailed system for allocating resources potentially can reduce such difficulties. This system ideally should be in place well before an influenza pandemic actually occurs. Also of particular concern is the real likelihood that health care systems, particularly hospitals, will be overwhelmed. Another important secondary hazard is the disruption that might occur in society. Institutions, such as schools and workplaces, may close because a large proportion of students or employees are ill. A large array of essential services may be limited because workers are off work due to pandemic influenza. Travel between cities and countries may be sharply reduced.

Key Implications:
Property damage is minimal. Service disruption, however, could be severe due to worker illness.
Health care systems will be severely stressed, if not overwhelmed, and first responders are also
likely to be severely strained.

Based on the estimates in Table 3-1, the economic impact, in 1995 U.S. dollars, will range from
$71 billion (15% gross attack rate) to $166 billion (35% gross attack rate). These estimates include a value for time lost from work but do not include any estimate due to economic disruption or long-term health care costs.

LOCATION OF THE OUTBREAK: New York City, Washington DC, Houston, TX, Los Angeles, CA

You can use the current events from a couple different real time incidents to assist in this scenario (can use the “virus” of your choice).

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