Desk Support person working for “XYZ Company”

Analyze an organizational task/scenario and select the appropriate information system or application software to satisfy the organizational requirements. The student will be able to create basic Office Support System documents to satisfy some of those requirements. The student will also be able to demonstrate their skill with Internet based research methods and find relevant/reliable information for a variety of purposes.

Imagine you are employed as a Help Desk Support person working for “XYZ Company”. Today you are tasked with logging and resolving your first IT Support Ticket on your own.
You will need to record a variety of information about the issue and come up with a resolution based on your knowledge of Computer Information Systems learned in readings/videos throughout the course.
Case Background
Meet Pavan. Pavan is a new employee at “XYZ Company”. Pavan will be working in the Human Resources Department as an Human Resources (HR) Generalist.

Pavan does not yet have any hardware or software to begin working and has contacted you at Help Desk Support to get set up. Pavan mentioned that each of the other HR Generalists have a laptop computer, a docking station, two monitors, a keyboard, and mouse.

You also know that Pavan will need access to Microsoft Office 365 for accessing company documents/emails and QuickBooks for recording employee hours and pay information.

Pavan would like to get his access set up as soon as possible because he already has employees reaching out to him for assistance with pay issues and his boss asking when he can get started.

Case Requirements
After reading the case background and class materials, fill in the IT Support Ticket Template provided with relevant information.

Give the ticket issue a name/title and issue description.
List the hardware, software, or other components that are part of this issue. Are there any items you think Pavan or you might be forgetting (maybe ERP access)? If so, feel free to use your imagination and to add your ideas to your ticket. Consider what you have learned in each chapter and how it can be helpful with this issue.
Name the people and processes impacted by Pavan’s issue.
Pavan is the one with the issue but consider others who might be impacted by him not being able to do his work with Payroll and what department they might be in.
Go do some internet research to price a few of the items Pavan needs and enter these numbers into the budget.

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