desirability and feasibility

desirability and feasibility

With regard to section 4 (above), it is important to base your final assessment on the twin criteria of desirability and feasibility. This may mean suggesting certain necessary “trade-offs” between the in-principle desirability of any alternative system of international law, and its presumed likelihood of attainment.
Be certain, also, to cite widely and appropriately to course lectures and literature. It is especially important that your paper display a serious acquaintance with pertinent international law documents, and with all of our listed reading assignments.

mat NNW 111UNIIIIIIC Win parlICUlar cAt:utipm,, 1i you titiptki v1/4, international law from the standpoint of Peace, you might choose – as independent variables – the einhal distribvtion. of nillitaty force arid suvereign authority. You might then hypothesize that in order to maximize Peace, the world legal order would first need to become more centralized or less Westphalian (e.g., implement collective security or world government).
(3) Models: These are the images or descriptions of international legal order that will flow directly from your hypothesis/hypotheses. For example, if you speculate that greater global centralization of military force and sovereign authority will yield an improved system of international law, the model that you will be investigating will be a legal pattern of collective security or world government. In conducting this investigation, you may also wish to introduce additional independent variables. These would be known properly as intervening variables. Another example: a collective security system of international law could be further subdivided according to a weapons-iechnology intervening variable, as follows: (a) collective security/non-proliferated; (h) collective security/proliferated.
(4) Recommendations: ‘this is the fourth and final stage of your paper. Here you will either endorse or reject the hypothesized relationship that first gave rise to your inquiry. For still another example: if your analysis of a collective security model suggests that this pattern would not point toward an improved system of international law, this conclusion should be disclosed. Similarly, if your analysis suggests that the model being investigated does point toward an improved system of international law, this conclusion should he disclosed. It does not matter, from the standpoint of the assessed quality of your final paper, whether or not the hypothesis is actually confirmed or even supported. As science inevitably progresses via the accumulation of failed hypotheses, a positive conclusion here is not necessarily better than a negative one.

POL 435 Fail 2014 International Law Professor Louis Rene Beres
Guidelines for Final Course Paper Distributed in class only on Thursday, November 20, 2014 Due back in class only on Thursday, December 4, 2014/No Late Papers Accepted Returned to students only during last class on Thursday, December 11, 2014
Your assigned task is to “design” an improved system of international law. With this in mind, your fifteen-page final paper should be divided into four essential sections:
(I ) Values: Choose any one of the following representative values: Peace; Justice; Ecological Stability; Economic Well-Being. The selected value, which will identify the focus of your improved system of international law, must be defined very carefully at the beginning of your paper. In the absence of such an explicit definition, there will be no way to assess the adequacy of your hypothesis and subsequent paper.
(2) Hypotheses: Link your selected value to a factor or set of factors (independent variable(s)) that you believe will maximize that particular value. For example, if you seek to improve ntemational kw from the standpoint of Peace, you might choose – as independent variables – the lirtha, I dictrillI2tion cef inijitxy force wit] sovereign authority. You might then hypothesize that in mkr to maximize Peace, the world legal order would first need to become more centralized or less Westphalian (e.g., implement collective security or world government).


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