Design Cryptographic system
Task 1:
In this task, you are required to: (5 Marks)
Search RSA (Rivest – Shamir – Adleman) and AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithms suitable for the above scenario, keep in mind that you can expand your system to more than one user,
Select a cryptographic algorithm and discuss why you think your selected algorithm is appropriate for the above scenario,
Design and develop a cryptographic system to encrypt live webcam data from Port Macquarie to Wagga Wagga using your chosen algorithm,
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your system,
You must document your approach with a description of the screenshots.
Task 2:
In this task, you are required to: (15 Marks)
Search HMAC,
Part 1: Design and develop a message-based system to encrypt and decrypt messages using an RSA algorithm,
Part 2: On the basis of Part 1 system, you should integrate the HMAC algorithm into your system,
The HMAC has to check message received from Port Macquarie,
If the integrity of the message approved, then decrypt the message,
Else, a message, or false Boolean output.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your system,
You must document your approach with a description of the screenshots.