Descriptive Report of the Consultation
Descriptive Report of the Consultation
Order Description
“Warm-Up” to Consultation: Facilitating change is one of the fundamental tasks in consultation. To be an effective change agent, it is essential to understand the nature and challenge of change. In this initial activity, you will examine the change process from the perspective of a consultant, as well as from the perspective of a consultee. You will serve as a consultant to a peer in the course to address a modest behavioral goal. You will also take the role of consultee with a different peer who will serve as your consultant. Appropriate problems and behavioral change goals ate those that are specific, small in nature, and easily measurable. The following are problems of appropriate scale and content and the associated goals in the areas of physical activity, time management, and diet:
Identified Problem Behavioral Goal Lack of energy Increase exercise to five time per week Stressful mornings Wake up an hour earlier High cholesterol Increase fruit and vegetable intake and decrease meat intake
The activity will use a behavioral consultation model and include the following elements: problem identification interview (PII), problem analysis interview (PAI), intervention development and implementation, and intervention evaluation interview. The majority of your written paper will primarily consist of a report and analysis of the consultation from your perspective as the consultant. The final section of the paper will consist of a reflection of your experience as a consultee. The activity will be discussed in more depth in class to further our understanding of the process of consultation, as well as the challenges of achieving behavior Page 5 of 16 change. I expect students to respect and protect the privacy of each individual. The information must not be shared with others outside of class.
Warm Up to Consultation Plan
Consultant: Monica (Ghada will also serve as Monica’s consultant)
Consultee: Ghada
Nature of the tentative problem: Monica: (Drinking more water, increasing water intake from 0-1 glasses to 2-3 10 oz. glasses of water a day), Ghada: increasing fresh vegetable intake
Problem Identification Interview: September 23rd, 2015
Baseline Data Collection: September 24, 2015-October 1st
Problem Analysis Interview: October 5th, 2015
Interview to discuss intervention: October 7th, 2015
Intervention Implementation: October 8th-October 15th
Treatment Evaluation Interview-October 19th
Note: All dates are tentative
*Consultation dates with Monica as the consultee will be the same as the dates listed above