Describe the trading performance measures (KPIs) that John Lewis use to measure their annual performance, and suggest two improvements that could be made.
Describe the trading performance measures (KPIs) that John Lewis use to measure their annual performance, and suggest two improvements that could be made.
Order Description
Only the second question should be answered.
2.Describe the trading performance measures (KPIs) that John Lewis use to measure their annual performance, and suggest two improvements that could be made.
Any opinions should be made on the latest (2014) annual performance.
Balanced Scorecard of John Lewis is very important to include in this business report.
Introduction to Global Management
Group Assignment Spring 2015
Report requirements
The group report comprises 50% of your Total Module Mark.
Your report will be marked both on the structure and format of your report and on the findings. Marks will be determined by your ability to:
• understand and interpret the question
• apply information and lessons learnt during the semester
• research information and use it to answer the questions, ideally your sources will be post 2006
• express information and arguments in a logical and well structured manner
• express your own opinions
Higher marks will be given to reports that:
• not only describe but analyse and evaluate the information
• conduct research beyond what is immediately available through a Google search
• research evidence that is up to date i.e. a statement about ‘current’ strategy is not from 2003
• answers that combine different aspects of the course e.g. linking store performance measurement with employee reward or linking business change with a change in the external business environment
The following questions relate to John Lewis (you are not required to include Waitrose in your answers).
It is required that you make reference to a model in your answers. Consequently your answers must not be simply descriptive of John Lewis’s activities but describing them in comparison to a model and evaluating them against that model.
You are also expected to provide evidence in your answers e.g. quotes
Pick one question per team member.
Answer all of the following questions:
1. Using information found in at least two interviews with John Lewis Chairman Sir Charlie Mayfield, describe the leadership characteristics of Sir Charlie using one of the models below (remember to support your answer with evidence):
a. Servant
b. Transformational
c. Charismatic
d. Authentic
e. Authoritarian
f. Democratic
g. Laissez-faire
2. Describe the trading performance measures (KPIs) that John Lewis use to measure their annual performance, and suggest two improvements that could be made.
3. Using the Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility describe and evaluate John Lewis’s approach to Corporate Social responsibility
4. John Lewis says ‘Our Partnership model gives us our distinctive culture.
This, combined with the efforts of our Partners, gives us our competitive advantage.’
Explain how the John Lewis employee partnership model could give John Lewis competitive advantage.
Guidelines for you report
The report is to be 2,500 words excluding the Coversheet, Contents page and References.
The format of the report is to be:
• Cover sheet including name of students, seminar tutor, date of submission, and word count
• Executive summary
• Contents page
• Introduction
• Findings (main body of the report)
• Conclusion
• References (these are to be referenced in Harvard format)
• Reports should be word processed in 11 point type and with 1.5 line spacing
• You must use at least eight sources, three of which must be books found in Regents University Library
• Run a spell check before you submit – marks will be deducted for poor spelling and unprofessional presentation
• You should write in the style of a business report, not an essay, and should address your report to your client
• You should aim to write around 500 words to answer each question with the remaining 500 for Executive Summary, Introduction and Conclusion
• You are free to use bullet points, charts and graphs (where appropriate), headings and subheadings.
Whilst this is a group assignment students will be awarded individual marks reflecting their contribution to the report. The quality and standard of the individual’s written contribution will be considered when awarding marks. It is expected that the report will be in separate sections written by individuals and attributed to those individuals, however it is recognised that certain sections may have group attribution e.g.
Executive Summary – Group writing or individual contribution
Introduction – Group writing or individual contribution
Findings – Individual writing
• Ocado use their own version of the Balanced Scorecard – Adrian Thornley
• Ocado is preparing for a major change, the privatisation of the business.
– Robert Plant
• Ocado promote Diversity, Equality and Fairness within their organisation.
– James Page
References – All references must also be attributed to the student who sourced the text e.g. SMITH, M., Fundamentals of Management, (2011), 2nd edition, McGraw Hill, London – Student: Adrian Thornley
If it is deemed that the whole group has contributed equally it is perfectly feasible that all students will receive the same mark.
Plagarism and collaboration are taken very seriously by the University. Evidence of plagiarism will result in the work not being accepted and the individual or group, depending upon the circumstances, therefore failing the course.
It is suggested that you nominate one of your team members to submit the report, as multiple submissions is very confusing for your tutor.
Remember a draft of your report is to be submitted for review during your seminar in week 6.