Demonstrating ethical behavior as an observer
Discuss some protocols to help ensure that you would demonstrate ethical behavior as an observer at the site you visited.
Describe your experiences with observing and note-taking with the class. Specifically, discuss areas that were challenging and successful.
How do you think you may address the challenges more effectively in your next observation?
Sample Answer
To ensure that I demonstrate ethical behavior as an observer at the site I visited, I would follow these protocols:
- Obtain permission from the school administrator and the teacher before observing.
- Be respectful of the teacher and the students.
- Maintain confidentiality.
- Focus on the learning environment and the teacher’s instructional practices.
- Avoid making judgments about the teacher or the students.
My experiences with observing and note-taking with the class:
I have observed several classes at different schools. I have found that observing and note-taking can be challenging, but it is also a very rewarding experience.