Day in the Life in Miami
Objective: The focus of this first essay will be Narration and Description. The theme for this essay will be your Miami Story.
Option 1: Origins
Write an essay that focuses on how you or your family came to the United States.
Some things you might want to think about:
• How was your life before your arrivals?
• What obstacles did you have to overcome?
• What new things did you learn after your arrival?
Option 2: Day in the Life in Miami
Write an essay describing the most exciting day that you have experienced in this city.
Some things you might want to think about:
• What are the details that you remember most?
• What events happened?
Why was this day so important to you?
• Students will consider their audience in their own essays.
• Students will write effective introductions.
• Students will practice Narrative and Descriptive writing.
• The most important thing is that you fully use you writing skills in using the appropriate rhetorical structure.
• Select one of the two options (Narrative or Description) and begin to tell your Miami Story.
• The key here is to capture a moment in as much detail as possible.
• Use the rhetorical structures you have learned so far.
• All these criteria will be considered in light of the Gordon Rule Rubric .